What is Marconics?

Marconics is an advanced, multidimensional energy healing modality designed to raise your vibrational frequency and support your spiritual ascension. Through Marconics protocols like the ‘No-Touch’ Healing and Quantum Recalibration, clients experience profound shifts in consciousness, release karmic imprints, and reconnect with their higher selves. These sessions help align you with your highest potential, allowing for deep healing and spiritual evolution. At Salt Vault Ascension Center, we are proud to offer Marconics as part of our commitment to your holistic well-being.

Receive 'The Human Upgrade' through Marconics Protocols

  • Marconic 'No-Touch' Healing

    The ‘No-Touch’ Healing Protocol is the Evolution of Energy Healing, and can be performed on clients as an on-going therapy. It raises the client’s vibrational frequency by running Marconic Energy - encoded with Light information - through selected points on the body’s own Axiatonal grid, triggering profound spontaneous healing.

    The goal of a ‘No-Touch’ session is to raise your frequency so high that you have an opportunity to connect to Higher Dimensional Aspects of Self.

    Post session, the client's vibrational frequency will gradually settle into a higher resonance having achieved incremental lift in base vibration, according to the person’s Spiritual evolution.

    Repeated sessions will raise the vibration incrementally to incorporate higher activations as you shed density and karmic imprints.

  • 'Quantum' Recalibration

    The Integrated Chakra Unification and Quantum Recalibration are advanced Marconics protocols designed to facilitate deep spiritual transformation. The Integrated Chakra Unification creates a permanent upgrade in the human energy system by unifying the chakras, activating galactic energy centers, and liberating individuals from karmic patterns. This process reconnects the body to its 30ft auric field and multidimensional chakra system, awakening the thymus, pineal, and pituitary glands for higher spiritual functioning.

    The Quantum Recalibration, performed over two consecutive days, permanently reconnects the individual to the Universal Matrix, preparing them for higher-dimensional living by reawakening dormant DNA codes. Together, these sessions elevate consciousness and upgrade the lightbody to the Quantum Merkaba, supporting spiritual evolution and alignment with the higher realms.